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Exterior painting services

Painting an exterior to a home or business is the perfect way to spruce up the old and generate a welcoming street appeal. ACT Painters can assist you in helping your home or business stand out from the rest and be the envy of all neighbours. Whether it be just the exterior walls you want painted or the whole house; fascia’s, eves, gutters, post and window seals. Invest in the best.

-Preparation is key
we consider preparation to be of the utmost importance during the process of freshening up your exterior. To ensure you have the best outcome possible, ACT Painters take pride in their preparation. The process of preparing the exterior includes: high pressure wash down using environmentally friendly products to help remove mould and mildew, corking, minor repairs, plastering up holes and sanding out any previous imperfections.

-Achieving the desired street appeal
once preparation is complete, any bare sub straight will be undercoated and followed by 2 top coats of your desired colour. Providing the existing is in good condition, it may just need a freshen up of two top coats. Do your home a favour and give it a makeover by ACT Painters, the best in the business.

-The finished product
ACT Painters will ensure your new look has fulfilled your every request. We ensure that you as our customers are 110% satisfied with the finished product. If defects arise within the final consultation, we will work with you to amend them, ensuring you are happy with the results.

Happy Customers

Trusted Partners

We have developed relationships with our partners and know we are getting excellent products at the best possible price.
We also have access to design experts to advise us on complex solutions.

Call Us For More Info

0470 422 489

We are located in

ACT Canberra

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